IMO content    ≧90% Total Plate Count:≦30000 cfu/g
IG2+P+IG3      ≧45% Moulds and Yeasts: ≦100 cfu/g
PH                  4.0-6.0 Enterobacteriaceae: ≦10000 cfu/g
Ash                 ≦0.3%  Salmonella species: N.D.
  Escherichia Coli: N.D.

Product details
Organic Tapioca Syrup is a syrup made from the cassava tuber, or yucca root, a plant that is indigenous to the tropics of South America. The syrup is made when natural enzymes are introduced to the cassava tuber. This process is known as enzymatic hydrolysis. After enzymatic hydrolysis is complete, a sweet syrup is formed. The syrup is considered to be a healthy sweetener. 

There are many uses for tapioca syrup, include acting as sweeteners in snack and health food bars, fruit drinks and cereals. Tapioca syrup can be used to prevent meats from drying out after they have been processed,this syrup can be used in smoothies and other drinks to provide texture. Cookies, candies and pies can be made with this syrup instead of sugar or other alternative sweeteners.